Welcome to TrueWorldHistory.info

You Must Understand the Past Before You Will Understand the Present

The Truth Will Set You Free!

TrueWorldHistory.info presents a compelling series of video documentaries, lectures and interviews. These videos offer an uncensored perspective of today's world, as well as where we are heading as a global civilization.

The information presented is sometimes controversial, and often hard to believe. How we choose to interpret this information, and what we choose to do about it, will determine the future of the world in which we all live. Please view these videos with an open mind, then decide for yourself what you believe, and what you will do to make it a better world for all people. Is everything in these videos true? Not likely, and not even possible as some even contradict each other on a few subjects. Some are "Left" oriented, some are "Right" oriented. However, the overall picture they collectively paint is right on target.

The material presented focuses predominately on the USA, but it has future implications for the entire world. Do you believe that there is something terribly wrong with our world, but you can't quite put your finger on it? These videos contain very eye-opening information that you won't see on TV, in schools, or from any other institutionalized information gatekeeper.

In addition to this series of 24 videos on this homepage, you will find a greater library available on the Expanded Video List. Overall, there are several hundred videos linked to from this website. If a link is dead or broken, just search for the title on Google Video or YouTube.

Fasten Your Seatbelt...

America - Freedom to Fascism
America - Freedom
to Fascism

111 min.
Fiat Empire
Fiat Empire
59 min.
The Money Masters
The Money Masters
215 min.
89 min.
One Nation Under Siege
One Nation
Under Siege

87 min.
The Beautiful Truth
The Beautiful Truth
92 min.
132 min.
War By Deception
War By Deception
143 min.
122 min.
Ring of Power
Ring of Power
280 min.
Big Brother, Big Picture
Big Brother,
Big Picture

174 min.
Hijacking Humanity
Hijacking Humanity
207 min.
Esoteric Agenda
Esoteric Agenda
124 min.
2012 Enigma
2012 Enigma
96 min.
Origins of Evil
Origins of Evil
112 min.
Everything You Know is Wrong
Everything You Know
is Wrong

119 min.
Black Whole
Black Whole
102 min.
Architects of Control
Architects of Control
127 min.
Paradise or Oblivion
Paradise or

48 min.
Mind The Matrix
Mind The Matrix
133 min.
An Idea Whose Time Has Come
An Idea Whose Time
Has Come

84 min.
Free Energy: From Suppression to Manifestation?
Free Energy:
From Suppression
to Manifestation?

35 min.
Ancient Energy Technology
Ancient Energy

123 min.
Fall Cabal: The World is About to Change
Fall Cabal

178 min.

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TrueWorldHistory.info ~ Serving Up Red Pills Since October of 2007


Contents copyright © 2007-2012. Source code copyright © 2007-2012, CobraGraphics. All rights reserved. TrueWorldHistory.info is an exclusive tradename. CobraGraphics is an exclusive tradename and trademark. The textual, graphic, audio, and audio/visual material in this site is protected by US copyright law and international treaties. You may not copy, distribute, or use these materials except for your personal, non-commercial use. Any and all trademarks are the property of their respective owners. All original video documentaries are the exclusive property of their respective owners. All original graphic images are the exclusive property of their owners, and may not be copied, duplicated, reproduced, distributed or used in any manner without prior written permission under penalty of US and International laws and treaties.

Last updated October 25, 2017