Cinco's Immune Boosting Protocol

The information on this page represents the opinions of the author. Statements have not been evaluated by the FDA. Suggestions or products discussed are not intended to diagnose, treat, or cure any disease. It is the belief of the author that the only real cure for most degenerative issues is your immune system itself. This protocol is intended for immune system support.

This is a “bullet-point” version of the protocol. Follow the link at the bottom of this page for an expanded version with more discussion and product links.

The information on this page is based on what we learned mostly in 2010 when my father was struggling with leukemia. To read the story of how we came by it, and what transpired with my father, check out the Bonus Chapter of our book. We have also added a few things we've learned since then.

First and foremost, you can beat this. If you know and believe that, you are halfway there already. If you go into it from a position of knowing that you’ve already beat it and the protocol is just a formality then that’s the way it actually is. Thoughts are things and we manifest our reality with what we think. If you pray, don’t ask for help beating it, thank God or the universe for already having beat it. And believe it.

This is a 1 to 3 month protocol.

Eliminate as many sources of stress from your life as you possibly can.

No chemo, no radiation. Do not get any vaccinations.

The protocol, basically in order of importance:

Alkaline, ionized water. Drink 1 ounce per pound of body weight daily.

Raw, fresh vegetable juicing. Minimum of two 8 oz. glasses daily.

Totally plant-based diet. No animal products whatsoever. Only eat organic food whenever possible.

Advanced Scientific Health - Cesium Carbonate

Plant Enzymes: Take 2 to 4 of these about 30 seconds before eating anything but raw vegetables.

20 drops of Frankincense oil swallowed in a vegan or vegetarian capsule daily. Use only therapeutic-grade essential oil labeled as a nutritional supplement.

Coffee Enemas - See the Gerson Therapy for more info. Recommended one or more daily at first, then 2 to 3 times per week. Coffee enemas will deplete your body of minerals, so it is advised to ingest some Himalayan or Real salt when doing them, and take some extra potassium and magnesium if you are doing the cesium carbonate.

Sun, Sweat and Exercise. Drink enough ionized water to re-hydrate. Recommended at least 20 minutes daily of both sun and exercise, preferably more.

Supplements as directed on bottle including the following.

Advanced Scientific Health Master Formula II

Team New Earth – Body and Mind

Enriching Gifts Sterol Max

Enriching Gifts Complete Vitamins Plus

Enriching Gifts Metabolic Complete

An extra potassium and magnesium supplement because of the cesium carbonate. More Master Formula II can provide this too.

BioClinic Naturals Methylcobalaimin B12

Stop Aging Now D-Pure

Install a filter for your shower and drinking water.

Scalar energy products.

Use an air purifier / ionizer.

Daily oil pulling is an excellent way to detox.

Use a humidifier with alkaline water water in it.

Chaparral tea.

Bragg Organic Apple Cider Vinegar

Switch out products in your kitchen, bathroom and laundry room to all-natural products.

Don’t eat food that has been cooked in aluminum or Teflon pans.

Do not use a microwave.

Use natural materials for your bedding.

If you are in a medical and/or recreational marijuana state, get some cannabis oil and start using it. If you reside somewhere where it's still illegal, you may want to obtain some anyway. The only reason this isn't higher on this list is because it isn't legally available everywhere.

Regarding other holistic things, anything is going to contribute a little. There are certainly a lot more things that could be added to this list. This list is already more than enough to do the job though.

One last thing. If you believe this will work, it will. Thoughts are things. Manifest your wellness.

Expanded Immune Boosting Protocol

Last updated June 5, 2017